Exploring different products to imitate the lifespan of a being. Musing the deep soul of life from micro to macro.
Project time: Spring 2022
Category: Group Research & Design
Group members: Jenny Chen (Concept & Layout)
Sean Guo (Concept & Video)
Tim Li (Concept & Story)
截屏2022-03-18 17.16.12 | 截屏2022-03-18 17.16.01 |
截屏2022-03-18 17.16.05 | 截屏2022-03-18 17.15.54 |
截屏2022-03-18 17.15.43 | 截屏2022-03-18 17.15.49 |
截屏2022-03-18 17.15.36 | 截屏2022-03-18 17.15.30 |
Bioluminescence In The Ocean
· Cold light: less than 20% of the light generates thermal radiation or heat.
· Requires two unique chemicals: luciferin and either luciferase or photoprotein.
· Most marine bioluminescence is expressed in the blue-green part of the visible light
spectrum. They are physically unable to process yellow, red, or violet colors.
2nd Round of Bio Imitation
Imitating the lifespan of a mushroom's born, grow, and breed. Trying to operate as smooth
as possible.
Bioluminescence On The Land
· Most land organisms also exhibit blue-green bioluminescence. However, many glow in the
yellow spectrum.
· Bioluminescence is used by living things to hunt prey, defend against predators, find mates,
and execute other vital activities.
截屏2022-03-18 17.15.20 | 截屏2022-03-18 17.15.15 |
截屏2022-03-18 17.15.09 | 截屏2022-03-18 17.15.01 |
截屏2022-03-18 17.14.42 | 截屏2022-03-18 17.14.54 |
截屏2022-03-18 17.14.48 | 截屏2022-03-18 17.14.37 |
1st Round of Bio Imitation
Trying to imitate the feeling of life activity od organic and flowing feeling.
3rd Round of Bio Imitation
Change color to more fit the scene of bioluminescence On the Land. Add human beings into the scene for expression of corresponding to both human being and nature being.
Growing Phase of Nature being (Mushroom)
Micro - Macro
Story behind Being